Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Guest Posts??

Since I've been super busy lately entering my last two weeks of classes, followed by two weeks of finals...I just have not been updating. At all. That being said, I was wondering if maybe ya'll would be interested in helping me out on keeping this blog going & writing some guest posts for me!

I know someone emailed me about that a few months ago & I'm so sorry I never got a chance to get back to you. This has just been a crazy few months & my priorities drop out of whack sometimes. But, now, if you are interested in writing a guest post for me...please get in touch ASAP!!

And we'll make this super fun...it can be about anything YOU want. Obviously, a theme of fitness or health is nice, but if you just wanna write a super quick post on fashion or a tv show, that's fine with me too. Just e-mail me at laleach2@gmail.com and let me know if you're interested & what you might want to write about.

Hopefully ya'll like this idea & respond because I'd love to get some extra writers on this blog!!



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