Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back from Vacay--Back to School

So, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but you know how vacations can get. You just get so busy, you don't always have the time to blog. I can tell you...I did pretty decent with eating. I don't think I was eating the right things, but I was definitely keeping my portions in that helped. I'm not weighing in this week since I'm just so bloated, but I'm hoping that next week will show off some awesome results.

Classes started today and I gotta say, I'm not so excited to be back. I miss my friends :-( It's really hard going back to school when pretty much all of your friends have graduated. Sure, I have some still here...but most of the people I was hanging out with on a daily basis are gone. I'll get used to it though...and hopefully make some new friends in the process.

I drove late last night to get back to Raleigh in time for classes, so I'm beat. I think I'm going to take a nap before I have to head back to campus for my night class.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!! I missed everyone!!


1 comment:

SherRon said...

I hope you had a great vacation! Way to keep your portions under control! That is so hard for me when I'm on vacation.

Best of luck with school!