Wednesday, February 15, 2012


First...let's talk about Valentine's Day. We had a very nice one. Went to a nice dinner at Olive Garden where I took half of my meal home & felt okay about what I ate. Then came home to just relax for the evening. When we got home from dinner, I found some cute flowers in my door...something I was not expecting to find. I got Matt a shirt, some boxers & some chocolate. He had been looking for the shirt I got him FOREVER, so he was super excited to receive it. Overall, we had a good day. He also helped me pay off some bills for my present...which was very helpful & a big relief. Here are the lovely flowers:

Now...for the real topic of this post...I found a Groupon the other day for a year of eMeals. I checked out the eMeal website and it's very interesting. I can get them to do a menu for me on a budget or for a diet (I actually need both...but the diet menu isn't too bad in prices). I wanted to ask though...have any of you ever tried eMeals? I'm trying to cook more often since I'm getting older & I know I'm going to want to cook for my future family eventually...but do you think this sounds like a good deal? It's $30 which is about 50% of the usual rate for a year of their meals. But I wanted another opinion before I what do you think??


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