Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So...I'm moving!! Not for another 2 months, but I will finally get away from the stresses of living in this apartment. It's gotten bad with my roommates...they basically treat me like I'm just an object in the apartment rather than a person and I'm just tired of the disrespect.

But I'm starting to find that looking for apartments is SO tiring. On top of it, I need to look for furniture or a fully-furnished apartment. My desk right now is built into my apartment, so I've been looking at office desks mostly as well as kitchen tables.

It's just so hard to find a place that's RIGHT in between work AND school. Hopefully I'll figure it out sooner rather than later...but I am just so excited to get out of here.

In other dad got me a BLACKBERRY!! I am SOOOO excited about this!! I have been asking for one for MONTHS. I've really needed it since I work so much and need a way to get my emails and schoolwork at times while I'm at work...this is the solution, it seems. I'll be up in D.C. in a week or so to visit family and I'll get it then.

Hoping to lose about 3-5 more pounds before weigh-in this week, but I'm hoping for the best next week!!



Skin DEEP Beaut said...

good luck with everything

Kelly said...

How exciting - ur moving! I can't wait to move too. good luck!

Cutiebugg92 said...

Well I am happy you are getting out of that living situation and good luck on the weight loss.