Friday, December 17, 2010

On the 5th Day of Christmas...

My partner gave to me my favorite candy, Kit-Kats, and the cutest tissues you've ever seen!!
In case you can't read them, they say "Holiday Workout," which I thought was absolutely hilarious :-) I definitely use shopping as a workout (it really is a lot of walking)!!

Anyways...I'm going to be working a lot these next few days, so I won't be posting very long posts...but I'll def keep you updated as I keep opening gifts for Christmas!! So far, I'm loving everything I've received & can't wait to open more!! I also LOVE reading what everyone else has gotten too!! So much fun :-D


1 comment:

Raegun said...

That is an awesome gift! I haven't popped by in a while..the new blog design looks great! Hope all is well with you! Come by and say "hi" and let me know how you're doing.