Saturday, December 11, 2010


Nothing to make me feel better than new boots :-) I've wanted this pair for a few months now, so I finally broke down and got them.

I've been under so much stress and pressure lately that I just needed something to make it better. Kind of a reward to myself for handling everything to the best of my ability.

I'll post some pictures of them later. But for tonight...WINE NIGHT!! I'm super excited because it's another relaxation that I just need right now!!

As for eating...I must admit, it's been a little off as of late. I'm just super stressed and I know I shouldn't give in to my temptations...but it's just tough right now. Luckily, I have been working that's helping a little bit. And I am still hitting my calories for the day without going over...I'm just not really doing it in the right way.

I guess we'll see what happens this Wednesday!!


1 comment:

~ Jury said...

sometimes you do need to treat yourself to something nice like boots! I´m sure you´ll put them to good use during the holidays. now I want boots! lol