Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, originally I wasn't going to weigh-in today since yesterday was my birthday and I was planning to just kinda relax and enjoy myself. But I'm proud to say that I still ate pretty well yesterday & kept myself in check. I remembered that I can eat the foods I like every now and then, I just have to be careful of portion size.

So I stepped on the scale this morning and read 273.5! Now on my official weigh-ins on here, that shows I gained half a pound...but in reality, all week I've been weighing in at the 278-279. So I was MORE than happy to see 273.5!!

I'm ready to get on track & stay there. I can see my body & how it's changing...and for me, there's no better inspiration than that.

Well, I'm off to two tests then NAPTIME!! Yay!! D.C. in the morning!! Can't wait--but tonight, we're gonna party it up for my 23rd birthday (plus a drop by to one of my bestie's 21st birthdays!!)


1 comment:

Brittany said...

Yay thats great! I only weigh-in once a week, i find my weight fluctuates too much during the week to weigh more than that.

When i do check it more than once a week, it may be a gain and that upsets me and does nothing for my progress.

Keep working hard!